Leave us a voicemail!

We will include voicemails periodically in our Weekly MomenToUs podcasts.

Record a voice memo on your phone and email it to: dailymomentous@gmail.com.

  • How long should my voicemail be?

    Please keep your voicemail to no longer than 2 minutes! If you run long, we’ll do our best to shorten it.

  • What should I include?

    Make sure to introduce yourself & then simply record your message! (If you’d like the voicemail to be included anonymously, please say that at the very beginning, pause for 1-2 seconds, then start your recording.)

    If you’re responding to something in a specific podcast episode, make sure to refer to that in your voicemail.

  • What if I mess up when I'm speaking?

    One of the fun things about recording is you can always re-record.

    But, you don’t need to strive for perfection. We just want to hear from you.

  • Do you have any tips for recording?

    Make sure you’re recording somewhere with minimal background noise.

    Make some notes (or even write everything out) for what you’d like to share.

  • I started listening to the podcast late/I'm listening to the podcast out of order. Can I only respond to the most recent episode?

    We want to hear from you, whenever and however you are able to engage with us. If you are responding to something from a specific episode, just make sure to reference it in your voicemail so we and other listeners are on the same page with you.

  • I'm overwhelmed with trying to think of what to say! Do you have prompts to help me get started?

    Where have you noticed God lately?

    Have you had an experience similar to a MomenToUs from a podcast episode?

    _________ was unclear during the podcast. Could you explain that more?

    I didn’t agree with _________ in the podcast because __________.

    What is a time you noticed God was present with you?

    I have found ________ meaningful with the podcast, or our social media account, or our in-person gatherings (when those begin), because __________.